SPECULATIVE REALISM problems and prospects (possibilities)

Ray Brassier – the term speculative realism , is just another market label.

European philosopher has stopped talking about reality.

Kant: arguing that time n space are not ‘out there’, but are concepts of the understanding that we place over the world or the ‘in-itself’, therefore, philosophers were less interested in reality itself, but focus on how we come to know the world or ideas they form about it.

Arguing there is no truth since all is socially constructed. Failures of philosophy claim the real, bring about by what we’ll see gets call ‘correlationism’.

– speculative realists come in, arguing it’s time to give the real its due.

Correlationism – correlationim is closely connected/related to reality.

Speculation that derived from Kant – was to describe the conditions of possibility for our knowledge of the world.

– speculation occurs when we attempt to think the world as it is beyond what appears to us.

– we can know there is a reality and that we can speculate about it.

Meillassoux – the correlationists: think that the ‘world is meaningful’ only if it is ‘given-to-a-living (or thinking)-being’. If there is no experiencing in it, then it’s not meaningful.

1. Naive realism – real things exist n we can have direct access to them. Natural attitude. You never question the existence of the book while reading it. Our default common sense way of conceiving the world.

2. Weak correlationism – the view that reality exists n we can think it, but we cannot know about it given the filters through which reality is understood.

3. Strong correlationism – there is no thinking about what is outside our own being in the world. social construction, ‘worldmaking’ phenomenologist.

4. Speculative Idealism: there is a necessary relation between being n thinking, the relation between thinking n being is the absolute.

The idealism is ‘speculative’ in that it advances into thinking reality as it is: the correlation is taken as the absolute in-itself.

‘correlation’ in everyday language = putting your hand on fire is correlated to a decent amount of pain. we don’t need a textbook to know this. but ppl mistake correlations for causation.

Meillassoux: 2 dominant relations to reality, ‘correlationism‘ & ‘idealism‘.

‘reality’ as it is outside of human access.

Graham Harman: correlationism the ‘philosophy of access’.

Weak Correlationism n the case Against Naive Realism

As a human being, you take it for granted that others don’t perceive the world completely differently. For you to describe this world, first has to be ‘given’ to you, Hence, the world has reality, you also know that things that ‘given’ to you for you to have knowledge of them, all you can know about the world depends/comes through how the world is given to you.

Weak Correltionist : all one’s knowledge must come out of one’s relationship with the world, one can still think the fact that there is a world beyond subjective perception

Kant: certainty was based on the shared sensible ‘form’ of experience.

What we perceive is actually there, how we perceive the world does provide you a measure of certainty > weak correlationism.

Things had ‘primary’ n ‘secondary’ qualities. Primary – objective: size, shape, time.. Secondary – those produced through experience.

Color is part of our subjective experience .

Kant: color is both primary n secondary qualities are developed in cognition, and thus we can’t ever say what they are independent of human knowledge.

Kant: things-in-themselves are presented to us and conform to our manner of experience. Cognition is a correlation of empirical sensation n the concepts of the understanding.

How animals are able to see objects that are dark for you/there are more color wavelengths than you can see with your eyes, Kant: we are limited in the way the thing-in-iself is filtered by the concepts of our understanding. We can think it, but not know the in-itself.

‘weak correlationism’ is that knowledge of reality is a correlation of subject n the object of its experience.

Dummett: all realism is ultimately a ‘correlationism’ where there is a relation between a knower and the objects of knowledge. You work on how it is logically coherent within a given of statements.

Kant: about the in-itself

a. it is not available to us through experience.

b. that it exists.

c. it is non-contradictory.

Strong Correlationism: Husserl, Merleau-Ponty & Heidegger

Meillassoux’s category of ‘strong’ correlationism is targeted at phenomenology and its post-structural heirs.

Studying phenomena, means setting aside any external/independent reality.

In Phenomenology of Perception, ‘it is born of my relation with things’ that ‘time is not a real process’

Science is a drying out of the ‘life-world’ that its basis in the human perceptual relation.

Heidegger: our existence is engaged in the world of things and not engrossed primarily in theorizing through the correlation.

Meillassoux think Heidegger a ‘strong correlationist’ because he denies reality to beings outside the circuit of their relation through Dasein.

Dasein – a being out in the world among things, without a separation.

Heidegger: Newton’s laws were not true Newton’s discovery, but neither were they false. It is Newton’s assertion of the laws of motion that made entities accessible as obeying these laws.

Realism 1. the independence of some set of entities of the human consciousness, cultural constructs, conceptual schemes, stcutures, linguistic signs.

2. that these entities exist.

Heidegger: ‘phenomenology is our way of access’ to ‘the things themselves’

‘world is only if and as long as Dasein exists, not animals, not rocks.’

who can go along with others in their access to things n in their dealings with those things.

‘Fundamental feature of man’s own immediate experience of existence.’   Dasein’s access.

Realisms are representational and treat the world as an object presented to or correlated to a subject engaged in theoretical understanding.

Organ Without Bodies

Deleuze: What matters to Deleuze is the reality of the virtual

Virtual Reality – imitating reality, reproducing its experience in an artificial medium.

The Actual & The Virtual

– it appears as if first there or particles interacting in the mode of waves, oscillations.. Then in a 2nd moment, we are forces to enact a radical shift of perspective.

1. human eye reduces the perception of light, it actualizes light in certain way.

2. human eye expands perception – it inscribes what it ‘really sees’ into the intricate network of memories and anticipations, it can develop new perceptions, so forth.

Deleuze’s notion of the virtual is a radical one in that its ultimate reference is PURE BECOMING without beings.

– pure becoming – a becoming-it-itself, thoroughly extracted from its corporeal base.

– it never ‘actually occurs’, ‘always forthcoming and already past’.

BECOMING – concept of Repetition

something truly New can only emerge through repetition. Repetition repeats the virtuality inherent to the past and betrayed by its past actualization.

New changes the past itself – changes is the balance between actuality n virtuality in the past.

Kierkegaard : repetition is ‘inverted memory’, a movement forward, the production of the New and not the reproduction of the Old.

Kant: two modes of betraying the past. One  has to betray the letter of Kant to remain faithful to (and repeat) the ‘spirit’ of his thought. One can only truly betray an author by way of repeating him, by way of remaining faithful to the core of his thought.

To perceive a past phenomenon in becoming is to perceive the virtual potential in it.

‘How does the very identity of human mind rely on external mechanical supplements? How does it incorporate machines?

Kevin Warwick: the first Cyberman. Combination of the human mind with the computer.


SPINOZA – philosopher of substance (body, solid, material)

Substance means that there is no mediation(intervention) between attributes (thoughts, bodies, etc)

The lack of mediation = lack of subjectivity.

Death drive – the idea that conatus is based on a fundamental act of self-sabotaging

SPINOZA – any negativity is ‘imaginary’ the result of our anthropomorphic, limited, false knowledge that fails to grasp the actual causal chain.   (mis)cognition.

Justice is absolutely inner to our experience and has to be intuitively presupposed, otherwise everything is meaningless, fall apart.

Kant’s – ‘ordinary’ evil, ‘radical’ evil, ‘diabolical’ evil.

The basic gesture of Kant’s transcendental turn is thus to invert the obstacle into a positive condition. The condition of impossibility is the condition of possibility.




The BwO is what remains when you take everything away. What you take away is precisely the phantasy, and significances and subjectifications as a whole.

Masochists has made himself a BwO under such conditions that the BwO can no longer be populated by anything but intensities of pain, pain waves.

The Masochist is looking for a type of BwO that only pain can fill, or travel over.

Pains are populations, packs, modes of king-masochist-in-the-desert that he engenders and augments.

– drug user

BwO is already part of that body”s production is already included in the body.

A BwO is made in such a way that it can be occupied only by intensities, nothing to do with phantasy and to interpret. BwO causes intensities to pass.

The masochist uses suffering as a way of constituting a body without organs n bringing forth a plane of consistency of desire.

What happens to a horse can also happen to me. Horses are trained : humans impose upon the horse’s instinctive forces transmitted forces that regulate the former, select, dominate, overcode them.




-what it means to be human

Impact of 21st century technologies – digital, cybernetic and biomedical – our understanding of what it means to be human.

-desires, anxieties, interests fuels humanity’s continuing relationship with tools and technologies.

– relationship between technologies innovation and social change.

-technologies – called into question the immutability of boundaries between human, animals and machines, born and made…

Humanity intervened in the development of other living organisms.

– Scientists able to intervene in so-called ‘natural’ processes with the help of technologies (technologization of nature)

– new reproduction technologies, cloning n genetic modification – future in which boundaries between humanity, technology n nature will be more malleable (easily influenced)

– if smart machines can simulate human intelligence..?

Cyborg(fusion of organic n cybernetic) from fantasy into reality .

– computer-assisted technologies transform assumptions about pattern of leisure as well as work.

– increasingly the major source of wealth n determinative mode of power.

-social change – driven by circulation n commodification of data.

– erode the distinctions between virtual n real taken-for-granted patterns of physical space, communication n intimacy.

The distances of time, space, n place are shrunk.

Technologies are not so much an extension and appendage to human body. Skin as barrier is erased.

Digitally generated virtual worlds offers ‘post-bodied’ activity, synthesized interactive environment.

– Virtual reality allow digitally generated ‘self’ into cyberspace, alternative subjectivities constructed – extensions of the body.

Philosopher: technology enframed the inner essence of being. but, possibility of establish a relationship between humanity and technology that is not nihilistic.

Transhumanism – technology as the manifestation of human liberation.

– transcending physical limitations.


-humans are mixtures of machine n organism, nature has been modified (enculturated) by technologies.

Featherstone n Burrows refer to the future of humanity as ‘post-bodies and post-human’.

Question: response to new technologies, enslavement or liberation? as threats to human intergrity or means of facilitating its further evolution.

-Machines transformed themselves from tools into sentient beings, questions about ‘their’ status in relation to ‘us’.

-boundaries between humans n almost-humans – in the discourse of ‘monstrosity’

-Monsters serve both to mark the fault-lines but also signal the fragility of such boundaries.

‘human’, ‘nature’, ‘technology’ are being intermingled.

science fiction -shock our assumptions n incite our critical faculties. Example of Frankenstein, occupy a definitive role in the reception of biological n genetic innovation. – science n pop culture may regarded as representations of the world – both do not simply report reality but construct, mediated n constitute human experience.

*Donna Haraway – Cyborg Writing

[technologies making humanity into gods.]


-humans-as-machines and post/human evolution as representational devices that metaphorically delineate the normatively human in the face of challenges to ontological hygiene.

-cyberspace taken-for-granted concepts of embodiment problematic (body is discarded, retained, mutated in virtual media).

– Stelarc cyberpunk n postmodern performance art – the ontological hygiene between non-human nature, humans and machines is tested to its limits.

-Robot take the place of human labour.

Metropolis – robot, women, patriarchal power.

-Machine as alive – depends on their self-regulating nature and their dependancy upon the reception n processing of feedback and resistance to entropy.

– human is sophisticated as tool users, their skill with tools are one of the factor for evolution

tool > become machine   the human> turned into machine

– Mazlish’s – transcultural  continuity to homo faber as the essence of what it means to be human.

– The ambition that distinguishes humanity is the wish to transcend embodiment altogether, as driven by ‘fear of death, loating of the body, desire to be moral and free of error.’

– humanity pick up its tools and build a world.

(animalistic > almost-human > humanity > machine-line > post/human)


If persons have no fleshly substance in cyberspace then raise the question of whether it is still appropriate / meaningful to link traditional ideas of identity, freedom, agency or community with notions of corporeality or physical space.

Heim: The face is the primal interface, establish trust. Flesh makes the very province of humanity.

Virtual reality still depends in a residual sense upon bodily proprioception n conventions of space, movement n perspective transferred from embodied experience.

In cyberspace, evolved special symbols, or emoticons to denote states of mind/indicate bodily expression.

Face-to-face reality may prove less attractive n fulfilling than the simulated authenticity of the hyper-world.

Cyberculture extend human creativity n sociability.

Cyberworld – more fluid identity, self as performative, electronic domain is the stage.. where selves can be enhanced, augmented, changed/erased.

Virtual technologies – the representation of the real becomes the real. (if there is real)

Cyberpunk, dystopian mood

-hybrids of technology n biology, nature does not feature in cyberpunk.

– dystopian vision of the assumption of progressive/ humanist science fiction are all upended.

-setting forth a prediction of the erosion and colonization of human freedom by inhuman technologies.

Stelarc’s vision of technologized future is one in which the defining motif is of the obsolescence (outdated) of the human.

-skin is no longer the boundary with the ‘outside world’ but the interface into machinic.

Stelarc: technology now becomes a component of the body.’

1. transformed embodied experience

2. redefined what it means to be human.

Performativity precedes n iterates (perform repeatedly) the meaning of embodiment and of human identity

Stelarc is dissolving the distinction between subject n object.

CYBORG WRITING Harraway – A Cyborg Manifesto.

– Cyborg is a metaphor for post/human metamorphosis in a technoscientific age.

-cyborg promises a renewal of relationship between humanity n what have been characterized as nature n technology, a greater intimacy n complicity with environment n artefact.

– Cybernetic provide technoscience:

1. dynamics of command, control, communication, n of technologies as potentially self-regulating

2. a system of representation that portrays human, organic n machine life as sharing same vitality.

Cyborg is a way to get all multiple layers of life and liveliness as well as deathliness with which we live each day.

Creature of the boundaries between species as ‘monstrous’ in their power to signify the limits n constructedness of the narratives of western modernity (Harraway)

Masculinity + cyborg.


– Harraway fails to consider how the cyborg has already been fashioned in our cultural imagination.

– the female has often been a site through which to play out the anxieties of technological displacement.

– cultural imaginings of cyborgs and – monsters, automata, robots often seems to upholding traditional gender stereotypes.

Metaphoric imaginings of the cyborg.

– look in depth at constructing of bodies problematically deemed abject, or object; terms chosen because of their specific historical n theoretical implications for representations of woman.

Cyborg theatre provides a way to mark distinction through the analyses of diff interpretation of the body n technology that are woven together, understand how technology’s influence has shifted ideas of subjectivity in contemporary, mediatized moment.

Cyborg also offers a useful metaphoric concept to explore how not necessarily literal mergings between live bodies n technologies can destabilize in performance

Like cyborg (merging bodies n technologies) itself, theatre, technolgy has always been a co-author with the lining performer.

-like laboratory, the theatre is a space for trying things out.

-body on stage – conceptually mediatized lining figures.

‘Live’ can be read in oppposition to death. The cyborg theatre explores deaths, also exploring lives.

-humanness n its dependance on mediatization, the human age is literally the media age.

-intertwinement of bodies n technologies on stage as cyborg.

-cyborg subjectivity

Big Art Group – crossed bodily boundaries n definitions through their ongoing experiemnts with subject technologies. Engage with bodies abject, object n subject through diff modes of technological performance.


-what zombies are, how they operate, what their existence prompts.

– what would we do if the dead rose up.

present an apocalypse, an end to humanity through zombification.

zombie apocalypse always is unexpected with a key generic feature being the disruption of normal life.

perspectives on the zombi in terms of its relationship to humanity, zombies n humans can be interchangeable.

zombie in its relationship to the human – the self or soul as the ultimate local.

zombies, as an abject reflection of our individual mortality, forces viewer to consider the possibilities of a meaningless existence.

THE POSTHUMAN – Rosi Braidotti

After the post-modern , the post-colonial, the post-communist, post-feminist conditions, we seem to hvae entered the post-human predicament (a difficult, unpleasant situation).

Qualitative shift in our thinking about what exactly is the basic unit of common reference for our species, our polity n our relationship to the other inhabitants of this planet.

The boundaries between the categories of the natural n the cultural have been displaced n to a large extent blurred by the effects of scientific n technological advances.

Post-Humanism: Life Beyond The Self

-classical ideal of ‘Man’

Protagoras – ‘the measure of all things’

Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man.

-an ideal capacity of humans to pursue their individual n collective perfectibility.

-subjectivity is equated with consciousness, universal rationality, n self-regulating ethical behaviour.

-otherness defined as its negative n specular counterpart. ‘others’ raise issues of power n exclusion. Need more ethical accountability in dealing with the legacy of humanism.

Humanism’s restricted notion of what counts as the human is one of the keys to understand that we got to a post-human turn at all.


Fascism n communism rejected the basic tenets of European Humanism.

Anti-humanism mostly related to war.

‘Death of Man’ – Foucault, target the implicit Humanism of Marxism more specifically the humanistic arrogance of continuing to place Man at the centre of world history.

Anti-humanism is one of the historical n theorectical paths that can lead to the posthuman


-the human of Humanism – recognizability – sameness

all others can be assessed, regulated n allotted to be designated social location.

Human norms- transpose specific mode of being human into a generalized standard.

– from male to masculine and onto human as the universalized formed of humanity.

Perfect Man – Man as the measure of all things.

Anti-humanism rejects the dialectical scheme of though, marking off the sexualized other (women), the racialized other (the native) and the naturalized other (animal, the environment, earth)

‘different from’ = ‘less than’

to overcome Humanism as an intellectual tradition, a normative frame an institutionalized practice, lie at the core of the deconstructive approach to the posthuman.


Posthumanism marks the  end of the opposition between Humanism n anti-humanism, looking towards new alternatives, work towards elaborating alternative ways of conceptualizing the human subject.

Martha Nussbaum: abstract universalism is the only stance that is capable of providing solid foundations for moral values such as compassion n respect for others.

3 major strands in contemporary posthuman thought:

1. comes from moral philosophy n developes a reactive forms of the posthuman.

2. from science n technologies studies: raises crucial ethical n conceptual questions about the status of the human

Posthuman agreement that contemporary science and biotechnologies affect the very fibre n structure of the living n have altered dramatically our understanding of what counts as the basic frame of reference for the human body.

-technologies contribute actively to how humans do ethics.

-writer thinks that the science n technology studies approach is political neutrality it express about the posthuman predicament.

-tend to dismiss the implications of their positions for a revised vision of the subject. Subjectivity is out of the picture.

– Isaac Asimov’s ‘three laws of robotics’ 1942

‘Machine Ethic’ ability to tell right or wrong, and who is to decide?

– writer promotes radical posthuman subjectivity.

-A posthuman ethics for a non-unitary subject proposes an enlarged sense of inter-connection between self n others (including the non-human)

Pan-human – relating to / affecting all humanity.

– current scientific revolution, led by contemporary bio-genetic, environmental, neural n other sciences, creates powerful alternatives to established practices n definitions of subjectivity.

Post Anthropocentrism: Life beyond the Species.

Anthropocentrism – is the belief that human beings are the central/most significant species on the planet. Interpreting or regarding the world in terms of human values n experience.

– what understanding of contemporary subjectivity and subject-formation are enabled by a post-anthropocentric approach?

– the relational capacity of the posthuman subject is not confined within our species, but it includes all non-anthropomorphic elements.     anthropomorphic – having human characteristics

– the wider scope of animal and non-human life, also known as zoe.

– zoe-centred egalitarianism – is the logic of advanced capitalism.

Experimenting with what contemporary, bio-technologically mediated bodies are capable of doing.

– post-anthropocentrism displaces the notion of species hierarchy and of a single, common standard for ‘Man’ as the measure of all things.

– ‘others’ are cast out of normality, monstrosity, and bestiality – anthropocentric

Ideals – white, masculine, heterosexual European civilization

Louis Borges classified animal into 3 groups:

1. those we watch tv with

2. those we eat

3. those we scared of

These confine the human-animal interaction within classical parameters, namely an oedipalized relationship; an instrumental; an fantasmatic(scare of)

– is unequal, framed by the dominant animal, taking for granted free access to, saturated with projections, taboo and fantasies.

Animal need to be approached in a neo-literal mode, as a code system or a zootology of their own.

-species hierarchy run by the human.

– Post-human and its relationship to animal, the way they treat animal. Mice and pig being modified to produce organs for human.

The posthuman in the sense of post-anthropocentrism displaces the dialectical scheme of opposition, replacing well established dualisms with the recognition of deep zoe-egalitarianism between humans n animals.

– the vitality of animal n human bond is based on sharing this planet, territory or environment, no longer so clearly hierarchical, nor self-evident.

-change human-animal interaction.

Pets qualify as cyborgs creatures of mixity/vectors of posthuman relationality.

The cloned sheep Dolly, embodies complexity, it is no longer an animal but not fully a machine, is the icon of the posthuman condition.